Monday, April 16, 2007

This past week has been a full one. I packed up once again, which left me quite cranky. I enjoy being places, but not moving places - well, not the packing to move places. Once Rhoda got stuffed with my bush gear, teaching gear and hopeful paddling gear, we hit the road. It was a snowy day that at first (and by the end) made me nervous, but once I realized the roads were good I was able to sit back and enjoy how the snow added beauty to an already gorgeous drive.

In my haste to get going, I hadn't taken time to reflect on and give thanks for my winter. This time spent in Parry Sound in my 'hermitage' on McGown Lake was a gift, one well needed. I rested, and played, and skiied, and sang and danced with only my dog to bear witness, wrote (and finished my half of the book), studied, got accepted to studies and as a result I feel much refreshed. The drive away from what had been this year caused me to pause in appreciation for this year 'off'. I stopped at Old Woman Bay on Lake Superior and listened to the quiet - quiet sounds so great eh!?! I've been able to fill my cup with quiet this winter. I'm thankful to mom and dad for loving Florida and giving me a place to stop this winter.

Now I'm going again, and that has it's fun too! I went first to Thunder Bay where I was able to reconnect with friends. First was a rousing game of risk with the Hurlen clan. From there, I enjoyed reconnecting with Karl, his wife Melissa and Dave. I taught both Karl and Dave at Briercrest, and was reminded how much I miss these guys, but how happy I am to know them! Finally to my resting place for the night - the new home of Myles and Socorro. I went to school with Myles and guided with him at Black Feather and our time (usually shared with Tim, who happily was there this time too) is usually marked with much laughter. This time was no different.

Arriving in Caronport felt different this time. It's not home anymore and the sight of the chapel doesn't give me that same big heart feeling, but I am still at home here and many I love are here. I'm staying with Martha and Jeff, who welcomed me with a big breakfast, complete with Mennonite sausage. There was a potluck after church, marking in the afternoon, a nap, steak supper with Jeff's parents, reality tv with Danny and Darla and Steve joining us for Euchre. It's good to be here!

Above are so pictures of the trip out. To start is me at Old Woman Bay, and some rocks from there on my dash. Can't drive Superior without a stop in Wawa, but sadly Young's was closed. The next picture is Londa with Elisabeth and Jonas. Karl and Melissa are next, followed by me with Karl and Dave. Finally, there is Myles and I and then Myles, Socorro, Tim and I.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Due to technical difficulties (my great nephew crashed and burned with my camera in hand - he was OK, the camera wasn't), I haven't had any photos to share in a while, but my mom traded me cameras, so we are back in action. Getting the house finished on time also consumed me, but mom and dad are home and the house is finished! Mom loves it and Dad said I did a good job, and is beginning to figure out where everything is! Here are some before and afters...